This is a FREE resource for all Veterans, and can be helpful for veterans who have pain of any kind, as well as those who are experiencing post trauma or suspect they may have trauma related symptoms.

This program is led by Sheva Carr

MA L.Ac, APP, RPP, BCCP, BCPE (Co-Director of HeartMath Healthcare and Executive Director of The Fyera Foundation and HeartAmbassadors)

-as well as-

Dr. Stephen Graham

PT, DPT, Veteran, ABPTS Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedics, Fellow of Pain Sciences National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach Physical Therapy Supervisor (Whole Health), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Co-delivered with other veterans, their practitioners, VA Whole Health clinicians and special guests. It brings together the best of Whole Health practices with HeartMath Interventions to assist us in creating a new and better relationship to pain and trauma in our lives. Peer support groups of veteran cohorts and their families going through the program together as a team can be arranged through our community portal.

A collaboration of:

Fyera Foundation
VA Whole Health
Heart Math

What Is Whole Health?

Whole Health is the VA’s approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health is about you as a person, and includes not just your body but your values, needs, and goals. Whole Health incorporates a multidisciplinary approach to healing and pain management, adding modalities like chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, aromatherapy, sound healing, hypnosis, nutrition, indigenous healing mehtods, and more, to the traditional allopathic medical approach which is also available to Veterans through the VA.  This series highlights certain Whole Health resources that you can implement at home and/or in connection to the services available to you at the VA, to live healthier and happier.

What Is HeartMath®? 

For over 25 years, HeartMath’s training, tools and home based gaming and heart rhythm monitoring technology have supported health care providers, nurses, physicians and patients to transform the effects of stress, build resilience and reduce burnout and PTSD. These tools are scientifically validated and evidence based, first published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 1995, for their effectiveness to balance Heart Rhythm patterns into a more energy efficient and effective state. HeartMath has been integrated in over 42 VA Medical centers helping veterans recover from and be more resilient with conditions such as: PTSD, TBI , anxiety and depression, hypertension, addiction, insomnia, pain and more. HeartMath has been integrated into all four branches of the military helping soldiers in pre deployment and post recovery.

HeartMath's biofeedback technology, the emWave, emWave Pro, and Inner Balance Devices, are available free of charge to any Veteran within the VA system through prosthetics. Please share this video with your physician to request your free tech.

What is HeartAmbassadors and The Fyera Foundation?

HeartAmbassadors Members donated their time and expertise to The Freedom With Pain Program, and The Fyera Foundation provided grants to bring the program to completion and provides scholarship access for free to veterans, active duty military, and their families. The Fyera Foundation has an MOU with The American Red Cross and collaborates with their Chief Nurse and Service to the Armed Forces to bring resilience resources and mental health support to those Red Cross staff and volunteers as well as veterans and active duty military members in need.


A VA Practitioner and her patient share their success working with the Freedom With Pain program.

Purchase the Bio-feedback technology that accompanies the course.

If you are a veteran the technology is available at no charge for you through the VA. You can request it through your VA practitioner and send them this video on how to place the appointment through prosthetics.

Course Overview:

Each session has a workbook, videos, and audio tools to practice on your own as well as some bonus materials and special interviews, to help you in your journey to freedom with pain.

Topics include:

  • What do we make pain mean?
  • Don't Be Mean to Yourself With What You Make Pain Mean
  • Accessing Biofeedback Technology from HeartMath through Prosthetics to Self Regulate
  • How Does Pain Work? What is it's Purpose?
  • Does Our Pain System "Break"? Can We "Fix" It?
  • Tricks To Treat Pain
  • Self Healing Qi GongSound Healing
  • Self Hypnosis
  • Load Vs. Capacity
  • What Does My Breakfast Have to Do With My Pain?
  • Pain can Be A Part of Meaning and Purpose in Our Lives
  • Communicating Effectively With Others When We Are in Pain: Being A Good Self Advocate
  • Contact with Your Optimal Future, Who is Free With Pain

*Note: there is also a special section for practitioners on ordering the HeartMath technology for their patients through the VA system, and chart noting these interventions as part of your patient's care.

Discover your inner potential, starting today!